Hello everyone! I bet your all worried about me because i havent been able to write much the past couple weeks...but im finally in Tegucigalpa!! I`ll do my best to as descriptive as possible on whats been going on, but just know, i am having the best time of life!
Well leaving the MTC was excited and kind of depressing. It was like one biggg family! I loved being with the other elders and hermanas so much, and all growing together. We had the most spiritual and funniest moments ever, even some were a little too ridiculous to write!lol We ended up leaving
tuesday morning (3 in the morning) and from the Guatamala airport we went to the El Salvador! After a couple hours we finally ended out to Honduras (Home-duras;) Good thing that most of elders and hermanas that we were in my zone in the ccm were also going to the same mision so we still had a good time! You guys would have been so scared if you were riding this plane because it does a couple rounds around the city to slow down and get the right angle to land, but it flies SUPER close to the city, like CLOSE. We thought something was going wrong and we were gonna crash, but we didnt :) Once we got off the plane I was sooo happy that the airport was like the ones from guatamala or el salvador, it was just like the Phoenix airport! So far Honduras was looking good, It wasnt look run down and too ghetto looking (it still doesnt btw). Presend and Mrs. President Bowler met us there and they are so nice! They knew us all by name and where we came from, President has been to Wickenburg so we kept talking about that, but I told him its not much ;) Then we went to the stake center but ill get to that later.
Ohh and btw, you guys have no idea what the struggle is like trying to decide what category I am down here, since I know both english and spanish, I am both Latino and Gringo, and the leaders keep making me choose for different activities. For example, the President of the MTC pulled me aside one time and looked me in the eye and said (jokingly) which one I was because we were going to do a sesson in the Guatamala temple and he had to enroll me in either the gringos or latinos, but the thing with that is if i choose one side the others get angry!lol If i go with the gringos fora while, the latinos get mad, and vice versa. It was a joke around the MTC and even the teachers and everyone got involved. haha that was always fun.
So we are at the Stake Center and the President says some introductionsand then he assigns us a temprorary companion to start working! I got assigned a gringo, like me ;) and we went to start Abriendo La Boca (talking with people in the streets) and as we were leaving the Stake Center I get one of my first real looks into the city of Tegucigalpa! So my companion is telling me the stuff about tegucs and saying how nice the people are, but then as soon as we hit the road there is a bunch of taxis honking at us, and so... I waved back! I thought that they were being nice and welcoming us in. Once two different Taxi cars stopped by us I later learned by my companion that this normal, they want business, so dont wave! haha that was so new to me!
The city here is HUGE! I think there is about 2 million people! The city is like a big valley, but its `overgrown`onto and past the mountains that are around us. There is (surprisingly) a lot of upper-class houses that i never expected, but ive also seen a lot of other lower class. I didnt get much of a culture shock because it really reminds me of Mexico. Like, exactly! Except for all of the mountains which are ALOT of fun to walk up...not.
Anyway, (there is so much to talk about sorry if i get out of topic sometimes) once me and companion start walking around knocking and stuff, one of the first guys we found is actually a guy that did read the book of Mormon and had some questions! My gringo companion didnt know much spanish so me, the new guy, the guy who BARELY arrived into the field, had to do all of the talking pretty much! So i did the best that I can and answered everything and accepted a second visit! That was my FIRST experience and i nailed it! Later on that night we stay at the President`s Assisant`s house and it was huge! The missionaryies dream house! Well, for me it was because of the gym that they have there!lol ill try to include some pictures from it.
The next morning we get some training and then its the ceremony where we get assigned our companions! It was awesome! My companion (trainer) is Elder Westberg and he is awesome! I got so lucky! we have a lot in common and we get along. He has about 17 months in and hes teaching me all that he can and i can tell that ive learned alot so far! AND...we are opening up a new area!! Meaning we have to start from scratch! AND... we are staying in the City! (which is a little rare, since the city is small compared to how big the mission is here). So we arrive at our house and its small but its way better then expected, we have RUNNING WATER! But no hot water... but still! When we arrived it was super dirty and we had to clean it a bunch but now it feels like home! We have a pila too, meaning we have to wash clothes! Yay!
So later that day we start working! Since we dont know ANYTHING about the area or the members we decided to wing it, and go outside, see what happens. We explore for a little bit then we end finding a member, Javier, we talk with him and stuff and hes inactive. But he is the BIGGEST blessing we have recieved here so far! After we got dont talking he told us that he wanted to show us around! And he did, ALL afternoon night! and still wanted to come with us the next day! He then said Òhh and if you have dirty clothes you can just bring it me and ill wash it for free! like WHAT!?¿ This guy is awesome! If it wasnt for hime we would still be aimlessly walking around.
Mutual night we ended up going to the church to try to learn more about the area and people. Me and my companion ended learning really quick that EVERYONE is this nice! the members here are amazing and they want to help us so much! One of the members, the Elders Quorum President looked me in the eye and told me, Do you have everything you need for your mision? If you EVER need anything you ask us, do NOT ask your parents back home, they have enough to worry about! hahah! I love it here! The ward building is HUGE! two story building and so many extra rooms and only one ward meets there! Its crazy, they have a lot of plata here ;)
Everyday my companion and I try a different area in our HUGE area (one of the biggest in the whole mission) try a different area to learn, abrienda la boca on the way and im getting just as good as my companion talking with people. Alot of the people are catholic, but MOSTLY Evangelical. Like you have no idea how many there are here! But we still like talking with them because a lot of them dont really have a testimony like they claim to have. Ohh! We were walking in Loma Linda the other day and we saw some 25 year old playing gis guitar and walkinga round so i talk to hime and stuff, play the guitar a little then he lets us in to share a message. He said he was a hardcore Evangelical but he`ll still listen. We taught him the Restoration and he loved it! It was my first experience that Ive had where they say ``I dont know what is, but something inside of me is telling me that what you guys are teaching is true`. I was happy!! But we have had more of those expereinces, and we´re getting more investigators!
My time is running out, but Ill write more next week, there is still so much to write. Dont woryy about me guys :) I am having a great time doing the obra of our heavenly father :) My spanish is coming along too! The only thing i have to work on is using Uested. But ill get the hang of it after a while.
I love you so much Julian!! Daisy and I miss you! I think about you everyday!