If you remember, I started my mission opening an area as I was being trained. It was pretty hard, but a lot of fun. I always wondered how my trainer must have felt, well now I do! Opening San Marcos isnt easy, but we are trying to make it as fun as possible!
Well anyway, I`ll start with last week. On Tuesday morning we picked up the new missionaries from the airport...and then from there, everyone was asking the same question... who will be with Elder Madero!? I was trying to keep that on the downlow so that the new missionaries wouldn't know, but President Chase made a huge announcement and let them all know that "One of you is going to have to take one for the team and suffer being with Elder Madero!" And they all just sighed and were depressed... just kidding. But it was pretty nerve wracking not knowing who my new companion would be! I tried to figure it out but I couldnt! I had to wait until the next morning when President anounces it to everyone. But do you know whats funny? Obviously everyone in the office tried to guess and were trying to figure it out too, I obviously didnt know if they were right or not. But, Elder Alvarado (my grandkid in the mission) guessed it right! He kept saying its him! its him! I know it is! He needs a Madero in his life! Little did I know that he was right! The next morning we had the changes meeting and I found out that my new companion would be Elder Taylor!
Elder Taylor is from Pocatello Idaho! He is so awesome! Hes been wanting to be a missionary for so long and now he is finally here! Thats how I felt, so I know how he feels! That makes me really happy because he is really determined to be the best missionary possible! I love training him so far. I love teaching him everything that I have learned in the past 21 months. Sometimes I have to slow down and let him breathe! haha He is going to be an excellent missionary though!
So, we got on the South Bus! A big yellow school bus that we rented, and we headed down! Man, after like an hour we hit the wall of heat! (that south trip was alot different compared to being in the nice Frontier truck!) We were drenched with sweat! It was soooo interesting being back out with the missionaries again, because everyone talks about what they think is going on with a certain situation. I heard all of the rumors and chismes and chambre! THEY ARE ALL WRONG! hahaha But I didn't want to tell them. I wont be in the loop anymore though of what is really going on so that`ll suck! Anyway, we got to Choluteca pretty late so we had to stay the night there with our DL. It was funny, my companions first dinner in Honduras was a pulp dinner. Which is typical. We got to the little stores that are in peoples houses and buy little pan dulce things and a little carton of chocolate milk and thats dinner! But he doesn't mind! He already loves this country, the people, and the food. He eats allll of the food!! YES! That is supperrr important! I`ll tell you more about the area and members next week. But its going great here! I love it so much! We had an attendance of 15 people in our little group on Sunday! Which is pretty good! I was exhausted after church though... I had to give a 35 minute talk and teach primary class... and you know how I am with kids... haha! But I definitely feel like family here. There is alot of work to be done here though!
We made breakfast honduran-mexican tacos!
Ingredients: Freshly made tortillas from our neighbor, eggs, fried plantain, and mantequilla.:)